Cleaning Supplies
It is important to keep our bird feeders & bird baths clean to avoid any bacteria or other harmful despots from building up on them. Over the years we’ve found a handful of items that will make cleaning duty much easier and quicker. With tall seed tube feeders our long feeder brush helps you get down to the bottom to clear out any seed build up that has collected there. For those tiny nectar ports in any hummingbird feeder we have the “perfect little brushes” by Droll Yankees that feature soft bristles and can safely clean this small openings. And the ever popular “Poop-Off” wipes to clean any bird droppings that have collected on feeders, railings or patio furniture.
When it comes to scrubbing you bird bath you need a brush that is heavy duty and we have the perfect one for that with our still bristled bird bah brush. We also recommend using our trusty Bird Bath Protector to help keep your bird bath clean and make scrubbing less frequent down the line. You should start with a clean bath and then add a small cap full every time you put fresh water in there. The natural non-toxic enzymes in the mixture help to prevent stains, sludge, mineral deposits & other organic contamination from forming down there on the bath’s surface.
Bird Bath Brush
10.5” L x 8.5”W ~ heavy duty brush ~ stiff bristles ~ made in USA
Best Long Bird Feeder Brush
24” long ~ wooden handle ~ black nylon bristles ~ made in USA
Droll Yankess Perfect Little Brushes
Each brush 3.5” long ~ slim soft bristles ~ for cleaning nectar feeder ports ~ made in USA
Bird Bath Protector
4 oz. bottle ~ non-toxic all natural enyzmes ~ prevents stains, sludge & mineral deposits